Thursday, September 18, 2008


Why are greeks so crazy when it comes to family? The story of Oedipus has such a twisted way with family. For example, Oedipus had sexual relations with his own mother, then had children with her, and after that killed his father. Oedipus is so twisted, he marries a dead kings wife and had children with her too. Once he heard his son was suppose to kill him, so he tied his sons ankles together and leaves him on a mountain to die. What kind of a parent would do that? I know that if i had kids i would just hit them upside there heads...I'm kidding, but i wouldn't kill them. It seems that parents who would do that are just cucu-cachu. Well you tell me if you would do that.

1 comment:

Xxx(SEAN)xxX said...

For one thing... you're right, they are perverted in a way. But at the time, it was socially acceptable to have those via relation of incest or to tell stories of it. So it isn't really as serious as it is today. Different times, different views, which lead to different traditions.