Well there was this guy named e.vargas, he was cute, nice, sweet, funny, everything you could think of, he even looked like nick jonas! :) It was one of those crushes, like when your 10 and you write there name in you notebooks and you stare at them like there's only that one person in the room with you. The reality is i actually did all that....haha! He was a new student in my math class and sat behind me. The first time i got courage to talk to him, i asked what the homework was, at lunch, the funny thing he knew i already had it. We became friends after a while. He knew i liked him and read my notebooks, which had his name in them. Once i ended up playing "charlies angels", i hit the lockers rolling, i did just for him notice me, bad idea. He moved away but we kept in touch, he even came down to visit me. I remember every time i saw him i would melt. Like when you feel every emotion at once. My knees would shake non-stop, i wouldn't be able to breath, i would turn red, and just melt. After a while we met at the mall and he kissed me!!!!!!!!!! It was like fireworks. I felt like i never wanted that feeling to go away. It was like those movie kisses, where they lean in and it's perfect. After that we would talk on the phone for so long. He made me smile even when he said nothing.The only sad thing is he ended up moving again. He never really came back. We still talk but now he has fallen for a different girl. No matter what happened, he is and i hope will always be my friend. :)